Mental health claims for insurers have increased by 83% in the last 4 years
putting financial pressure on them
EAPs cater to this space, but fall short with average utilization at 2-3%
employees don't seek help due to workplace stigma
High stigma, hesitation, and confidentiality worries Fear of being seen as weak or problematic persists among employees and many worry about it impacting their job security
employee needs unmet
Not designed to even address 80% of cases Traditional EAPs with just 3 sessions on average per employee are designed to address issues only after they escalate
imposter EAPs at US businesses with <1000 employees
Proliferation of imposter EAPs due to broker-led sales model Imposter EAPs are rarely promoted and have lack interaction with the employer - thus leading to low utilization
Introducing Wendy Labs Clinical AI for mental health providers to make mental health support more accessible and affordable